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Claske Dijkema Researcher and Teacher

Claske is interested in conflicts, empowerment and safety in urban spaces. As a Marie Curie fellow at Swisspeace, she framed urban violence in European cities as issues of peace. As lecturer in Critical Urbanisms at the University of Basel, she is responsible for a collaborative learning project on decolonising Swiss urban landscapes. She carried out PhD research at the University Grenoble, where she developed a decolonial approach to stigmatized neighbourhoods in France.


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+41 76 5923654

Based in Bern




Dijkema, Claske. “Dealing with racist legacies in public space in Switzerland. The struggle around a racist wall painting in a public school.” American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Denver, US, Feb 2023.


Dijkema, Claske. “War and peace as situated and embodied experiences.” Presented at the Swiss Geographers Meeting, Lausanne, CH, Nov 2022.

Dijkema, Claske. “‘We are here because you were there’, the role of colonial circulations and imperial wars in understanding one’s marginalised position in France.” Presentation at the RGS–IBG Annual Conference, Newcastle, United Kingdom, UK, Aug 2022.
Dijkema, Claske. “A spatial approach to peace to better understand post-war cities.” Presented at the Swiss Political Science Association Annual Congress, Lausanne, CH, Feb 2022.
Dijkema, Claske. “Museums as actors of agonistic peace? Dealing with racist legacies in Switzerland.” Presented at the Peace, Conflict and Culture Network, Sarajevo, BiH, Jul 2022.
Dijkema, Claske. “Urban Peacebuilding in non-war situations.” KOFF Masterclass on Urban Peacebuilding, Basel, Apr 2022

Dijkema, Claske. “Peace research in non-war cities, an analytical inquiry.” Presented at the American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, New York, US, Feb 2022.


Dijkema, Claske. “Agir pour la Paix: how a group or marginalized youth became actors for peace after the slaughter of their friends.” Presented during the Virtual Research Workshop Exploring and Explaining Varieties of Peace, Varieties of Peace Network, SE, online, Feb 2021.
Dijkema, Claske. “Se faire une place.” Invited speaker at the séminaire JEDI Les dimensions spatiales du processus de racialisation, Université Gustave Eiffel, Paris, FR, Oct 2021.
Dijkema, Claske and Ayla Korajac. “Challenging the narrative of the ethno-nationalist city in post-war Bosnia.” Presented at the Institute of Australian Geographers & New Zealand Geographical Society Combined Conference, Sydney, AU, Jul 2021.
Dijkema, Claske. “The impossibility of citizenship for racialized inhabitants of marginalized neighborhoods in France.” Presented at the RGS–IBG Annual Conference, London, UK, Aug 2021.
Dijkema, Claske. “Urban violence in France as body politics.” Presented at the Swiss Geographers Meeting, Geneva, CH, Nov 2021.


Dijkema, Claske. “MSHN as lost grounds to the republic, a decolonial approach.” Presented at the September School of the Urban Institute: The continuous unsettlement of "estates" in Europe, Sheffield, UK, Sep 2020.


Dijkema, Claske. “Violence et voice à Villeneuve: la dimension coloniale de l'articulation discursive des quartiers d'habitat social marginalisés.” Presented at Question raciale / questions urbaines: frontières territoriales et racialisation, Grenoble, FR, Feb 2019.


Dijkema, Claske. “’I might not be Charlie but I still have something to say,’ Everyday consequences of terrorist violence in a marginalized neighborhood in France.” Presented at the Nordic Geographers Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, SE, Jun 2017,. 


Dijkema, Claske. “A la recherche des mots qui laissent la place à l’altérité, à l’auto-­‐définition, à la dissonance des voix : la citoyenneté?” Presented at the conference Discriminations, vulnérabilités, subalternités: entre mobilisation, épuisement et instrumentalisation, Grenoble, FR, Dec 2016.
Dijkema, Claske. “Why would I tell you?: A critical reflection about power relations in information sharing in research on violence in a marginalised neighborhood in France.” Presented at the RGS–IBG Annual Conference, London, UK, Sep 2016.
Dijkema, Claske, Morgane Cohen and Melody Fournier. “Street workshops for children at the urban marges of Grenoble: creating a space for prefigurative politics”. Presented at the RGS–IBG Annual Conference,London, UK, Sep 2016.
Dijkema, Claske. “Urban violence as a conflict over public space: to be understood in the context of France's (post-)colonial history”. Presentation at the Annual Conference American Association of Geographers, San Francisco, US, Mar 2016.
Dijkema, Claske. “Creating space for peace after violence in two marginalised neighborhoods in Grenoble, France”. Presentation at the Annual Conference American Association of Geographers, San Francisco, US, Mar 2016.


Session co-chair | AAG
Session co-chair | Making space for peace in contexts of “non -war” violence, AAG Annual meeting, New York (US)
Org. comm. | Rencontres de Géopolitique critique, PACTE/Modus Operandi (MO), Grenoble (FR)
Org. comm. | Int. Conference Savoirs et transformations sociales, MO/UITC/Contrevent, Grenoble (FR)
Session co–chair | Young people, public space and gender, RGS–IBG annual conference, London (UK)
Co–chair | Int. conference on post-crisis state transformation: rethinking the foundations of the State, European Science Foundation, UniversitéPierre- Mendes France, Linköping University, Linköping (SE)
Co–chair | Workshop on post conflict politics: building on political legitimacy, European Science Foundation, Paris (FR)
Org. comm. | Int. colloquium African meeting series on governance in Africa, Polokwane and Pretoria (SA)
Co–chair |Transition Processes and State Reform, CLM Foundation, Paris (FR)